Coffee – is it good or bad for you?

Coffee – is it good or bad for you? I get this question often, and I say well it depends. So, let me go into detail on this. There are many health benefits for drinking coffee, which I am going to go over.

  1. Increases memory – Consuming 2 to 3 cups of coffee improved short-term memory as well as lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. Depression Prevention – Women who drank two to three cups of daily coffee were 15 percent less likely to develop depression.
  3. Increases metabolism – The caffeine in your morning coffee is linked to boosting your metabolism. The chlorogenic acid present in coffee is also linked to lowering glucose absorption; ensuring sugar is flushed out of the body.
  4. Lowers Diabetes Risk – Drinking coffee can lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 50%, thanks to a type of a polypeptide within coffee that prevents abnormal protein fibers from developing.
  5. Increases Endurance – Drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee would increase energy prior to a workout, but it also strengthens endurance as well, greatly aiding athletic performance.
  6. Helps Prevent Parkinson’s Disease – A study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that drinking up to 3 cups of coffee is linked to lowering the risk of Parkinson’s by 25-percent.
  7. Anti-inflammatory benefits – Because of its high antioxidant properties coffee is anti-inflammatory
  8. Reduces risk of breast and prostate cancer – Consuming coffee on a daily basis reduces the risk of women developing breast cancer, or men developing prostate cancer.

Basically, the consumption of coffee has many health benefits, when consumed black or with a small amount of heavy cream, coffee becomes unhealthy when you put sugar or artificial sweeteners in your coffee.

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