Video about Advantage Wellness Coaching

Watch this quick video about Advantage Wellness Coaching!

Please watch the video or read the transcript of the video below.

Video Transcript

Advantage Wellness Coaching, Personal Health Coach.
What if one conversation . . .
[photo of two women talking over coffee cups]
. . . could change your life?
[photo of man standing on pinnacle of mountain]
I have been where you are . . .
[Cheryl Blake Before and After photos, looking much slimmer in the After photo.]
. . . and know first hand the journey ahead.
Confidently, in the direction of your dreams.
[photo of forest trail.]
I offer personalized coaching services . . .
. . . designed around YOU and your special needs!
[photo of red apple among green apples]
As your health coach, . . .
. . . I will help you set goals, .. .
. . . provide the plan to work toward them . . .
. . . and the tools to CRUSH THEM!
Learn to nourish . . .
[photo of watermelon pieces cut into heart shapes]
. . . both your body and mind.
Create the life you want while gaining . . .
[Advantage Wellness Logo]
Cheryl Blake – Health Coach