Healthy Eating for the Holidays

This article is about eating healthier during the holiday season. 

This is the time of the year, when people tend to overeat; it’s like we see the holiday season coming and we wave a flag of surrender and give up our normally healthy habits.   It’s as if the holidays are a weapon of mass destruction obliterating our weight loss achievements we worked so hard to achieve the rest of the year and they crush our puny willpower.

Here are some simple tips to keep you from gaining weight during the next few weeks, and believe me; I’m speaking just as much to myself as I am to each of you.

  1. Don’t get (too) hungry. During the holidays, we’re invited to many a festive dinner party with all our favorite treats. The mistake many of us make is not to eat all day in order to make room for all the calories and tasty treats awaiting us. However, this strategy backfires consistently because we tend to overeat dramatically. To diffuse that weakness, eat something high in fiber or protein before you leave for the party or dinner and you’ll be less likely to overeat.
  2. Start with water. Start all meals and parties by making sure you’re properly hydrated.  This will help reduce your overall caloric intake. Many times when we think we are hungry, we’re really thirsty.  So drink a glass of water first and then wait 10-15 minutes before eating anything.  The water will help to fill you up and keep you from overeating.  Keep in mind also that your water intake in ounces should be equal to half your body weight – if you weigh 150 lbs., you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. This does not include coffee, tea, juices, or alcoholic beverages.
  3. Be selective.  Many holiday meals and parties are buffet style with a dozen or two options to pile onto your plate. They are not all of the same quality. Before getting in line, get a bird’s eye view of what’s available and decide to choose only a few of the most appetizing dishes. Choose from lean proteins and fresh fruits and veggies. Try to avoid the sugar-laden things that abound the buffet table.
  4. Be the last in line. Never underestimate the visual power of food and how it affects your appetite. I know when I first see the buffet table my reaction is yum!! Then as I wait in line for my turn to get some of the goodies, I realize that I don’t really want those less healthy, calorie-laden options.
  5. Continue with your healthy routines – whether it’s exercising or updating your food diary, keep at it. Don’t let the holiday season derail you for more than a day or two. Get back to your regular groove fast.
  6. Portion size. To keep your portions small take a salad plate instead of a dinner plate and fill it with healthy foods and you’ll find you only eat half as much as you thought you wanted.

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