Healthy Eating for the New Year

I hope each of had a wonderful holiday season.  I’m wishing each of you a Happy New Year.   This is the time of the year when people get too busy, don’t get enough sleep, and do not eat well.   This weakens our immune system, and makes us susceptible to colds, flu, and other illnesses so this months’ article is on eating healthy to boost your immune system.
Your immune system helps protect you from various infections, such as colds, influenza, as well as allergies and cancers. In order to function properly, your immune system requires several nutrients, including protein, vitamins A, C and E, plus minerals, zinc and iron.   A balanced diet will provide the necessary nutrients to boost your immune system, but just in case here is a list of foods to add to your weekly meal plan.

Almonds:  Almonds are easy to find in any grocery store. They’re perfect as a healthy snack and can be added to salads and yogurt.  Almonds are high in vitamin E that acts as an antioxidant in your body and helps immune system function. Almonds are high in iron and protein that are also essential for your immune system.   Almonds are also high in healthy fats, as well as low in sodium and sugar.   They are considered a healthy snack but keep in mind that 24 almonds contain 164 calories.

Avocado: Avocado is best known for being a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, similar to olive oil, but it’s also a good source of vitamin E, vitamin C, iron and zinc. Add avocado slices to a sandwich, make guacamole or top a healthy salad with cubes of avocado.   Avocados are low in sodium, low in sugar, high in healthy fats, and high in dietary fiber.   Dietary fiber helps lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Broccoli: One cup of raw chopped broccoli is almost a full day’s worth of vitamin C, which is essential for immune system function because it helps stimulate the formation of antibodies. Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamin A and is a good source of plant-based iron – also good for your immune system. Broccoli is high in dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, and many other important nutrients.

Kale: Kale is a cruciferous vegetable that’s related to cauliflower, arugula, and broccoli. It’s rich in so many nutrients including vitamin A, which is important for healthy skin and mucous membranes. Kale also has plenty of vitamins C and E, iron and zinc. Because of Kale’s high density in nutrients it is considered a Super Food.

Mango: Mangos used to be a bit on the exotic side and weren’t always easy to find in grocery stores. But, that’s changed and today they’re available in both the produce and freezer sections of most grocery stores. That’s good because mangos are loaded with both vitamins A and C, plus they offer vitamin E.

Oysters: Oysters are good for your immune system because they’re very high in zinc and an excellent source of protein and iron. Oysters also have a bit of vitamin A. Try oyster stew for dinner or have raw oysters as an appetizer, as long as you don’t already have a compromised immune system. You’ll find canned or fresh raw oysters in most grocery stores.

Sweet Peppers: Sweet peppers are good for your immune system because they’re high in both vitamins C and A and they also offer vitamin E. Sweet peppers are low in calories so they make a great addition to any meal — add them to omelets, put them on the grill or sauté them as a side dish. Orange Peppers are higher in Vitamin C than many fruits, including oranges.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A and they offer quite a bit of vitamin C, vitamin E and a bit of plant-based iron. Sweet potatoes can be baked in the microwave or conventional oven and served with a bit of butter and cinnamon.

Tuna: Tuna is best known as a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but it’s also high in zinc, selenium and protein which are all essential for immune system function. Tuna is quite versatile and can be eaten raw, seared, or grilled, or you can keep a few cans of tuna on hand for sandwiches and salads.

Yogurt: Yogurt is probably the best-known dietary source of probiotics that can give your immune system a boost and it’s high in protein. You’ll also get a bit of vitamin A and zinc. Keep your yogurt nutritious by choosing plain yogurt and adding nuts, berries and just a little honey.   Yogurt tends to be high in sugar even when choosing plain yogurt, so don’t make it worse by buying those with fruit on the bottom.
I hope this article is helpful to you as you head into the New Year.

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