How is your Skin Health?

Aging – A five letter word that we don’t even like to think about. It just happens – one day we wake up and look in the mirror and there’s this much older person looking back at you. Well, this month’s newsletter is on making our skin look better as we age, basically stopping the wrinkles.

First a little education on our skin – it is made up of two primary layers – epidermis which is the outer layer and dermis the inner layer. The wrinkles we see actually happen in the inner layer. The inner layer is composed primarily of proteins such as collagen. As we age we have less and less collagen and the loss of collagen leads to the sagging of the skin resulting in wrinkles. Keep in mind you will get the same results (wrinkles), if you spend too much time in the sun, don’t drink enough water, don’t eat well, don’t sleep well, drink too much alcohol, or have a highly stressful lifestyle. You will age quicker and have more wrinkles and saggy skin, perhaps at an earlier age than most people. Now, let’s talk about some things you can do to decrease the wrinkles and improve your skin and at the end I have a list of products I recommend to help your skin.

1. Eat Omega-3 Fats: Healthy fats like omega-3s, which are found in foods like salmon (wild caught, not farm raised) and walnuts among others, keep the skin supple because they help retain moisture in the skin’s cells. This naturally decreases wrinkles since the more moisture there is in the skin, the less room it has to wrinkle. You can also take a fish oil capsule to get your omega-3 fatty acids. If you go the fish oil route, be sure you purchase one high in quality that has Vitamin E in it because vitamin E prevents the fish oil from turning rancid, which helps stop you from burping and having a fishy taste after taking the capsules. A side note on fish oil – if you have knee or joint issues, taking fish oil will help the joints function better.

2. Collagen: Our skin is made up primarily of collagen – which decreases as we age.Collagen is readily available in many forms of supplementation and can be found in many foods.Foods such as bone broth and grass-fed beef both have collagen in them.You can also purchase collagen in a powder form to drink.One other benefit of collagen is that it can help to maintain gut health, which is important as we age.There are a few products that will help to build collagen – I will put links at the end for that.

3. Moisturizing: Your skin needs nutrients – after all, it’s the largest organ in your body and you need to feed your skin with the right stuff. The best moisturizers are oils such as coconut, avocado, argan, sesame, almond or jojoba; they’re all excellent moisturizers. I personally use coconut oil as my moisturizer. Your skin also needs hydration, so you need to drink plenty of water. Also, when you take a shower don’t dry yourself completely – leave some of the water on your skin so it is absorbed into the cells. Dry skin leads to wrinkles because the top layers of the skin will shrivel the cells beneath the surface resulting in fine lines and dry dull skin. If you opt for creams make sure the ingredients are natural and that one of the first ingredients listed on the package is one of the oils listed above. Many of the creams on the market will just dry out your skin unless it has one of the oils listed above as a main ingredient.

4. Keep Hydrated: Our skin being the largest organ in the body needs to be hydrated to prevent wrinkles. Without enough water, you aren’t getting the proper nutrients transported throughout the body – this includes oxygen, blood and antioxidants. One of the factors associated with aging of the skin is a lack of antioxidants. So, how much water should you drink daily? Half your weight in ounces of water – so if you weigh 140 pounds, then drink 70 ounces of water.

5. Wash your face: Basically, don’t sleep in your makeup; it will cause wrinkles and possible dry your skin out faster. At the same time don’t over wash your face either, because that will dry your skin. When washing your face use something gentle that’s made to remove makeup and moisturize it at the same time. Try to stay away from harsh chemicals when washing your face – that will just lead to more wrinkles. At the end I will put a link to something good to use on your face when washing it.

6. Sleep: A lack of sleep can quickly make us look older – wrinkles, bags under eyes, dark circles, and fine lines. How much sleep a person needs varies from person to person, but most of us need 7-9 hours. If you’re not getting the sleep you need, you’re going to age faster. Sleeping on your side leads to more wrinkle formation because gravity pulls the face down, so sleeping on your back will help keep the wrinkles away. If you are not sleeping well it could be a problem with your hormones or a mineral deficiency. I will put links at the end of some suggestions to help with sleep.

7. Eat Antioxidants: Antioxidants are extremely important for our bodies. Many things cause oxidative stress in our bodies – toxins, pollution, smoking, drinking alcohol, and even exercise with cause free-radicals to form in our body. Antioxidants help to reduce free radicals and oxidative stress. Fruits and vegetables that are high in flavonoids are natural antioxidants – anything that has vitamin C in it. Citrus – oranges, guava, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, strawberries, blueberries – really any type of berry. Antioxidants help to make the skin more plump and hydrated, which will decrease wrinkles. I will give you links to recommended supplements to remove oxidative stress in your body at the end.

8. Stress: Your stress level plays a huge role in your skin. The stress hormone cortisol will cause your skin to become oily, which makes your skin more prone to acne and other skin diseases. If you are under lots of stress, try making some lifestyle modifications such as medication or deep breathing. Try doing things that make you relaxed – yoga, dance, or exercise. There are many natural herbs and some vitamins and minerals that can help with stress. At the end I will put some links of products that can help with stress.

Products to help build collagen – OPC3 Beauty Blend, Facial Masque, Triple Serum

Products to help promote sleep – Calcium Plus, Magnesium, Bliss,
Turn Down

Products for washing your face – Face Cleanser 1, Face Cleanser 2, Face Cleanser 3

Antioxidants – OPC3, ORAC, Curcumin Plus

Stress Reliever – Activated B Complex, ACTS, Bliss

I hope you enjoy this months newsletter about skin health, and that it has been helpful. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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