More Frequently Asked Questions of a Health Coach

This month’s article is going to be answers to questions I’ve been asked. I figured if one person had the question, then perhaps others have the same questions and are looking for answers.

1. I was told by my doctor I shouldn’t take calcium because my calcium level is higher than it should be. Why did he tell me that?

Our bodies are designed to raise one mineral if another mineral is too low, and vice-versa. Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D are dependent on each other. I suggested she get her Vitamin D and Magnesium levels checked. Simply adding in magnesium and vitamin D to her diet should fix her problem and her calcium will then be the level it should be.

2. I don’t have heart problems and I’m only 30 years old – why do I need fish oil?

Fish oil helps with many current and potential future health problems. Think of fish oil as an oil which keeps things lubricated. Our brains are about 65% fat and fish oil helps with cognitive health; it also helps with joint health. So, even if you don’t have heart problems you should take a fish oil because it will help to keep the rest of the body working right.

3. I don’t like fish oil because I burp a fish taste after I take fish oil, why is that?

There are a couple of different reasons for this; first, some of the lower quality fish oils can cause you to burp fish after taking the oil. It’s best to purchase a higher quality fish oil that’s made from small cold-water fish. Your fish oil should be a dark gold color, not pale in color. If it’s small and pale, it’s not of good quality. The second reason has to do with your gut or digestive tract. If your digestive tract is compromised, it could cause you to burp fish even if you take the high quality fish oil. Take probiotics to fix your digestive tract, and maybe change the brand of fish oil you are taking.

4. What magnesium supplement is the best one to use?

There are many different types of magnesium supplements – Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Carbonate, Magnesium sulfate, Magnesium Lactate, Magnesium Chloride, and some others. Keep in mind that for the magnesium you’re taking to be absorbed in the body it needs to be bound to amino acid, or be in an isotonic format. So, if the magnesium is not “chelated” it is not going to be very bio-available. Magnesium Oxide and Citrate can be used as a laxative and are somewhat bio-available. Magnesium Glycinate is a very bio-available form of magnesium. I would recommend that your magnesium be chelated, or be in an isotonic format for best absorption.

5. I love coffee, but is it good for me?

Now, that’s a loaded question. I generally say it depends on what you put in it, but many coffee beans are sprayed with chemicals when being grown, which means that much of the coffee on the market could be toxic, so it’s best to buy organic coffee. Most people put cream and sugar in their coffee, or artificial sweeteners. If you can drink organic coffee black, or with just a little cream it will be okay. But if you’re putting sugar in your coffee and it’s not organic, then it’s not the best, nor is it good for you.

6. What are prebiotics?

Basically, it’s food for the probiotics or the good bacteria in your gut. It’s a specialized plant fiber that is used by our body to nourish the good bacteria in our colon.

7. Are canned vegetables good for me to eat?

I wouldn’t eat a steady diet of canned vegetables – fresh is always best and frozen vegetables are second best. The problem with canned vegetables is that the inside of the cans are lined with BPA, which is linked to many diseases. Also, when the vegetables are canned they’re preserved, which takes all the nutrients out of them, so the vitamins need to be added back into the vegetables. The problem is these are synthetic vitamins and may not agree with everyone. Canned vegetables are good thing to have on hand in case of natural disasters such as hurricanes. I always keep a few cans of various vegetables on hand, just in case.

8. I was told to start my day drinking warm lemon water, can you tell me why?

Warm lemon water has many health benefits – it is detoxifying, it can boost your metabolism, and it helps to boost your immune system. Even though lemons are acidic, when it goes into your body it becomes alkaline and helps to balance your pH.

9. Are eggs bad for me if I have high cholesterol?

That is a myth that was propagated by fake science. The cholesterol in an egg has nothing to do with the cholesterol in your body. Your liver makes cholesterol for your body as needed. What messes things up is when your liver gets clogged because of what you eat – sugar, fake oils, etc. Eggs are actually good for you and are considered to be a good fat.

10. What about bread?

Much of the bread in the USA is loaded with preservatives and it doesn’t have the amount of fiber in it your body needs. It’s also loaded with gluten, a protein in wheat products that causes allergic reactions in many people. It can mess with your thyroid, your joints, your digestive system, etc. There are breads on the market that are gluten free, low carb, high fiber, sprouted grain, and organic. If you can learn to eat these breads, eat them in moderation, otherwise, stay away from bread.

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