My Passion

As I write this, I’m reminded of why I chose to study nutrition. It’s to help people lose weight, get off prescription medications, and achieve a healthier lifestyle with better eating habits. In fact, nutrition has become my passion with the focus being a desire to help people get off most prescription medications that continue to make them sicker, while masking the real problem; their poor diet. My belief is that all diseases are caused by improper nutrition – the constant eating of processed foods – white flour, white sugar, and the consumption of fast food which has zero nutrients and just makes us fat.  

Why is it that people who eat poorly seem to live on medication? Prescription medications do not heal your body; they only treat the symptoms of disease. Could it be these people don’t know that fruits and vegetables are the best medicine for humans? Do they not like the taste of fruits and vegetables? Or could it be that they truly like their processed and fast food items?

I think that for most people it’s the third choice – food companies make processed foods to be addicting so we’ll buy more of it. People become addicted to the taste, and that addiction is hard to break.  I once gave a friend a piece of grain-free bread and she said she didn’t like it. I told her it was better for her than what she was currently eating and her reply was “but this tastes so good” – referring to the processed food she had on her plate. I agree that processed food does taste good, but that doesn’t mean that it’s good for us. The sugar alone in processed foods cause an assortment of diseases: Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes type 2, fatty liver disease, heart disease, etc.

Again, what it boils down to is that people are eating processed foods that taste better and have addictive properties, instead of eating whole foods that are better for them and will actually heal their bodies.  

Please, if you have any questions about food and health do not hesitate to contact me.

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