Thoughts on Water

When first meeting with clients I always ask them, “How much water do you drink?”
I must admit this is one subject everyone has an opinion on and most people don’t drink enough water. In fact, many people drink almost anything but water. I hear things like “I don’t like the taste of water,” or “I don’t get thirsty, so why should I drink water?” Well, this article is going to cover not just why you should drink water, but when is the best time to drink water.

So, how much water should a person drink per day? Keep in mind our bodies are 80% water and we’re constantly expelling it, so it’s very important to put it back in to stay healthy. The general rule of thumb is this – take your weight, divide in half, which equals the number of ounces of water you should consume per day. So, let’s say you weigh 150 pounds, ½ of 150 is 75, so you should drink 75 ounces of water per day, at a minimum. This doesn’t take into account if you have a job where you perspire a lot, or if you work out on a regular basis, or if you live in a hot climate – you’ll need to drink more water then because you’re expelling the water out of your body at a faster rate. Also, if you drink caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee, you should increase your water intake. This is because caffeinated beverages are diuretics and you’ll be urinating more and need to replace the lost fluids.

Okay, why should you drink water? What are the health benefits of drinking water and keeping yourself hydrated during the day?

  • High Blood Pressure – Blood is 92% water if the body is well hydrated. When it’s dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker, which results in higher blood pressure.
  • Fatigue – Water is the major source of energy in the body. The lack of water slows the enzyme activity in the body, which leads to fatigue and lethargy.
  • Asthma And Allergies – When dehydrated, the body tightens the airways as a way to keep the water in the body. The amount of histamine produced in the body only makes it lose even more water.
  • High Cholesterol – When the body is dehydrated, it will create more cholesterol to prevent the water loss from cells.
  • Kidney And Bladder Problems – Whenever the body is dehydrated the accumulation of toxins increase, creating great conditions for bacterial growth. As a result, the kidneys and bladder are then very susceptible to infection, inflammation and pain.
  • Constipation – When the body lacks water, the colon doesn’t have the water necessary for its’ needs or the needs of other vital organs. Inadequate amounts of water decrease the colon function; sometimes even stopping it completely resulting in constipation.
  • Weight Gain – When you’re dehydrated, your cells lack energy. Many people think they’re hungry and crave something to eat when all they really need is a glass of water.
  • Premature Aging – Chronic dehydration causes premature aging of the vital organs in the body, including its largest organ – the skin, which becomes severely wrinkled.
  • Skin Problems – Instead of eliminating toxins from the body naturally, when you’re dehydrated the skin is unable to eliminate toxins and function properly. The skin is more susceptible to skin diseases like psoriasis or dermatitis, as well as premature aging.
  • Digestion Problems – The lack of water and minerals such as calcium and magnesium can lead to numerous digestion problems, such as acid reflux or gastritis.

Finally, what are the best times of the day to drink water, and how much should we drink?

Drinking 2 glasses of water after waking up. This will help activate internal organs.
Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help with digestion.
Drinking 1 glass of water before taking a bath or shower will help lower high blood pressure.
Drink 1 glass of water before going to bed. This helps to avoid having a stroke or heart attack.

These are the minimum water recommendations for the day. Basically though, drink water whenever you’re thirsty. If you want to lose weight, drink a glass of water when you feel hungry and wait about 15 minutes to see if you’re still hungry. Many times your body is really thirsty and not hungry. Don’t worry about drinking too much water, you’d need to drink more than 2 gallons a day for it to be an excessive amount.

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